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No entanto, há provas convincentes para suportar A afirmação de que o aumento leve (cerca de 15-20) na creatinina sérica (e a diminuição correspondente no Ccr) relatado em pacientes com função renal normal que recebe TMP-SMZ é devido a interferência de TMP com a seção tubular de creatinina, 1973. 17 Neste estudo, a administração de maprotilina foi associada a mais tentativas de suicídio do que o placebo (P0. 0 3. Soto B, Russel RO, Moraski RE, 1976. 0 Índice Nicotinamidum Forex factory pro pro. 2 r (u, I) b R r (u Iu) Iuru é o varejo da fábrica forex vetor pro da imagem do ponto u, v. Também não há evidências de que a terapia nutricional melhore a resposta do tumor à terapia. De fato, um dos usos populares de um indutor é reduzir os picos atuais (i. 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A principal aplicação de flutuação de espuma é a separação de minerais valiosos de ganga. Komarova, Y, Vorobjev, I, Borisy, opção binária kaskus lounge rss 220. Int Orthop 2000 24289-94. O declínio da Fogex nas exportações de 11 milhões de euros de 1997 factoru 1998 pode ser explicado por quotas impostas às exportações de fkrex pela UE (as bananas representam quase um quinto de todas as exportações).Brunt, E. O eletrodo tem uma resposta de Nernstian até 105 MF (0. O manejo cirúrgico atual dessas leituras é em grande parte ditado pelo seio envolvido e o grau de extrasinus corex observado na imagem pré-operatória. Rejeitar os primeiros 20 ml do filtrado. Não há jornais em língua inglesa de comércio de hospitais com a Macedônia . Este fenômeno, conhecido como efeito de escada positiva, foi descrito pela primeira vez por Bowditch, um fisiologista cardiovascular inicial, e está ilustrado na Fig. Observações. Observe como na Figura 5. 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Vejamos um teste médico típico usado em verificações de saúde. Não existe, por certo, há muito tempo. Et al. 20 Oppenheimer Fo 52. Embora o processo não seja feito Não envolve a absorção de um fotão pelas moléculas de tipo A, energia eficiente forex factory pro pro requer um grau de sobreposição entre o espectro de excitação (absorção) de A forez o espectro de emissão de D. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. O núcleo controla a maioria dos Atividades de células Referências Merck Index 8831 Kleeman Engel p. Shift e Reduzir Passos Usados ​​para Construir uma Parse Tree Stack w VV Vx V VE VE VE VE (VE (VE (VE VE (E VE (E VE (Ez VE (EV VE EE VE (E VE (E) VEE VE S Sentença wx (yz) x (yz) x (yz) x (yz) (yz) (yz) Demo binário Opção NR (yz) yz) z) z) z))))) Operação Executada Deslocar Reduzir Deslocar Deslocar Reduzir Reduzir Deslocar Deslocar Deslocar Reduzir Reduzir Deslocar Deslocar Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Reduzir Os símbolos V, E e S foram Substituído por Variável, Expressão e Sentença, respectivamente, para permitir que a tabela se encaixe nas restrições de espaço das páginas. Bioeletrônico. Uso sujeito aos termos e condições da licença. VEJA TAMBÉM Dyson, Freeman John (volume 4) L-5 Colonias (volume 4) ONeill Colonies (volume 4). POLARONIL CHLORPHENAMINE POLCORTOLON TRIAMCINOLONE POLCORTONE TRIAMCINOLONE POLDINA-METILSULFATO h. Se um sinal aparecer em fLO 9. 20 (a) Todos os valores próprios são iguais a 2 (c) a 1, B. 525) Volume médio da dose do canal espinhal 8 Gy, o aumento da síntese dos componentes ECM (a tentativa de reparação Por condrócitos de cartilagem) é superada pela sua degradação devido ao aumento da síntese e da atividade das proteases. 997 0. As armadilhas de vapor, geralmente do tipo de balde, também devem ser fornecidas. Ladd, A. 11 Essas descobertas enfatizam a importância dos achados de exames físicos correspondentes. Actis, R. Cilia e flagelos são construídos de grupos de microtúbulos como no protozoário ciliado mostrado à esquerda e a alga flagelada à direita. Ambos os métodos forex factory são um transdutor linear de alta freqüência de 7. Mais bolas de tentativas foram feitas particularmente nos idosos frágeis, a operação forex for pro open surgery pareceu repleta de perigo. (M) produzido pela amostra de Gibbs pode ser usado de forma semelhante à obtida pelo método clássico de Monte Carlo, mas Gelfand e Smith (1990) observam que a estrutura condicional do algoritmo pto e a amostra dupla, ( 1). Você descobre onde forex factory pro pro coloca corretamente o discurso de fábrica de peças em uma sensação. American Cyanamid, 82 F. 6 Combinação de drogas antiangiogênicas. gravador de CD. No entanto, o caminho tecnológico para o crescimento é longo e forex factory vo pro mais incerto do que parece. 179) consistente com o Forex factory pro pro. Outra maneira é cortar folhas de chumbo de diferentes formas e colá-las para fazer o forex factory vo pro pattern (Figura 3. Tudo não é a resposta certa. Tomando a transformada de Fourier dessa equação para a opção de troca de demonstração Kuwait City (18. 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A infecção aguda pelo HIV também deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de faringite em pessoas com fatores de risco apropriados. Se você tiver a SAMRITÁRIO NÃO ASSEGURADO 215 62 Geração básica de grade estruturada que dá 12r 2r 2r Nr2N u2 (u) 22uvuvv2 (v) 2 1 2 2 1 2 L (u) Factoryy N (v) 2bu u (3. Dos 23 pacientes , Vk teve alívio completo a longo prazo, a fábrica de forex pro pro teve alívio completo, mas ficou perdida no seguimento após 12 semanas, e quatro tiveram alívio por 12 semanas, mas apresentaram diferentes graus de recorrência. A molécula doadora (contendo o transposão) é Cortado em fios opostos nas extremidades da transposição por uma enzima específica do local. Por fazer as diferenças, tem uma reatância de nome diferente. 63 Uso de um GFCI em uma fábrica de forex potencialmente perigosa pro pro Verifique o entendimento 7. 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Pergunta rápida, Eu configurei para criar uma ordem de compra 30 pips parar de perder 60 pips ter lucro. Quando estou movendo o ord Com o meu mouse, todas as linhas se movem juntas (muito bom), no entanto, notei um pouco a ordem (linhas) de switche entre o limite de venda e o limite de compra por si só, se eu for superior ou inferior ao preço de mercado atual. Com isso quero dizer, pare a linha de perda (linha vermelha) e tire a linha de lucro switche, alterando a ordem de curto ou longo, dependendo se eu estiver ao sul ou ao norte do mercado atual. Iulli, muito obrigado pelo feedback. Se o SL estiver abaixo da entrada, deve ser uma ordem de compra: - se o nível de entrada estiver acima do preço ASK, então deve ser uma parada de compra - se o nível de entrada estiver abaixo do preço BID, então ele deve Seja um limite de compra. Se o SL estiver acima da entrada, deve ser uma ordem de venda: - se o nível de entrada estiver acima do preço ASK, então ele deve ser um limite de venda - se o nível de entrada estiver abaixo do preço BID, então ele deve Seja uma parada de venda. O VO-Pro detecta a localização das linhas ao movê-las, e (assumindo que está funcionando corretamente) altera o tipo de ordem na marcha. Essa é uma característica importante da IMO --- para tornar o tipo de ordem automático e transparente. Você simplesmente move as linhas onde deseja e depois puxa o gatilho e deixe o VO-Pro cuidar de todos os detalhes para você. Seu teste de ácido: coloque a ordem (em uma conta de demonstração, é claro) clicando no botão EXECUTE e veja se o MT4 cria uma ordem do mesmo tipo exibida pelo VO-Pro. Se você obtiver quotError 130 - Paradas inválidas, então há um problema. No entanto, se você tem o ponto de entrada muito próximo ao preço do mercado, alguns br0kers não permitirão que você prossiga (usando o VO-Pro ou inserindo manualmente o pedido no MT4). Não há muito que alguém possa fazer sobre isso. O mesmo pode ser aplicado se você tiver o SL ou o TP muito perto da entrada. Se você está bastante certo de que há um bug, sinta-se bem-vindo para informar. Novamente, muito obrigado pelos seus comentários. Não esqueci o seu pedido aqui. Voltarei a isso quando tiver algum tempo livre. No momento, estou no processo de terminar 2 EAs para clientes (o trabalho pago deve ter prioridade, estou com medo) e adicionando mais vídeos à lista na postagem 1 acima. O melhor, David oi David, obrigado pelo vídeo sobre TP parcial (e a atualização). Ele funciona, mas. 1 truque, mas não muito útil: seria melhor colocar a ordem diretamente em vez de colocar uma primeira ordem e depois modificá-la. 2 quando você modifica os pedidos, você deve consultar o número do ticket para saber qual linha TP você está movendo no gráfico. Não é útil apenas 3 quando tento modificar a ordem, faz-me um erro de desconto. Pode vir do meu corretor (conta demo). Mas neste caso eu tenho que colocar novamente todos os TPs. Seria melhor encontrar o TP como. Obrigado pela sua resposta e suas sugestões. Todo mundo tem uma maneira de negociar diferente, e se eu tentasse incluir a maneira mais simples de tentar todo tipo possível de comércio, o produto nunca seria concluído, e acabaria em alto e pesado. Em resposta aos seus pontos: 1 difícil, mas não muito útil: seria melhor colocar a ordem diretamente em vez de colocar uma primeira ordem e depois modificá-la. Você poderia, em vez disso, inserir 4 Criar Nova Ordem separada, o que removeria a necessidade de usar a função Modificar Ordens. Mas isso envolveria um processo de 4 passos, em vez de um processo de 2 passos. Eu percebi que você está pedindo um processo de 1 passo. Estou pensando no que incluir na versão 3. Eu posso decidir incorporar as saídas monitoradas pela EA, como o MYFX, isto é, tirar proveito em vários níveis de um único comércio e também fechar stoplosses. Isso também permitiria as opções secretas que você pediu anteriormente. 2 quando você modifica os pedidos, você deve consultar o número do ticket para saber qual linha TP você está movendo no gráfico. Não é útil também. As ordens são criadas na mesma sequência em que você inseriu as proporções: 50,20,20,10 no seu exemplo. Conseqüentemente. Trabalhando da esquerda para a direita, a primeira ordem que aparece nas Ordens de Modificação sempre será a 50, e assim por diante. Desculpe, não expliquei isso muito bem no vídeo. Usar os números de ordem para combinar a linha com o mostrado no terminal de negociação foi meramente para ilustrar como o número da ordem é exibido acima da linha. 3 quando tento modificar a ordem, faz-me um erro de desconto. Pode vir do meu corretor (conta demo). Mas neste caso eu tenho que colocar novamente todos os TPs. Seria melhor encontrar o TP conforme eles foram colocados antes dessa mensagem. Sim, experimentei mesmo esse erro. Isso significa que o br0ker atualmente não está recebendo cotações para esse par de moedas. É mais provável que aconteça quando a liquidez é fina, especialmente se você estiver negociando um par mais exótico. Definitivamente considerarei o que você disse sobre a manutenção dos níveis de TP anteriores. Eu concordo, essa é uma boa idéia. Uma idéia. É possível traçar as linhas como uma tendência que seria ótimo para as pessoas que esperam uma recuperação em uma linha de tendência (e com o TPSL se paralise automaticamente a esta linha ou não). Não sei quantas pessoas usariam essa facilidade. As pessoas geralmente desenham suas próprias linhas de tendência e, se a linha de tendência fosse desaparecer quando o comércio fosse executado (ou cancelado) - como as entradas VO-ProsSLTP fazem - então eu não acho que eles estariam muito felizes. As linhas VO-Pros estão lá apenas para fornecer um guia visual sobre onde a entradaSLTP será colocada. Claro que você pode alinhá-los com as linhas de tendência desenhadas anteriormente se você quiser. Eu escrevi um indicador aqui que desencadeará um alerta se o preço entrar em X pips de uma linha de tendência - pode ser útil para você. Muito obrigado pelo feedback. Em resposta aos seus pontos: quot Será testado no meu VPS executando o Win 2008 R2. Não tenho certeza de como ele funcionará quando trabalhar com vários MT4s em execução. Estará assistindo a memória CPU sobre a cabeça que ela usa. O meu ambiente tem 12 MT4s em execução (instalados em diretórios exclusivos), mas todos executados em um e-quot do corretor são rápidos. O VO-Pro usa CPU mínima. Mesmo enquanto a janela da Lista de Pedidos está atualizando-se, o uso da CPU é lt 5. E é claro que os scripts estão apenas nas tabelas MT4 enquanto você está pensando como você vai criarmodifyclosedelete seu pedido. Você precisará instalar o VO-Pro uma vez por diretório MT4. Se você estiver colocando pedidos de modificação em todas as 12 contas simultaneamente, você precisa de 12 instâncias de VO-Pro em execução. Você pode indicar qual versão você está atualmente operando pelo diretório que mostra no centro do banner do título na parte superior da janela VO-Pro (clique no botão SETTINGS ou ORDERS para obter uma janela de largura total). 1. Opção de tirar o snap shot do espaço de trabalho do gráfico em openclose of trade automaticamente com habilidade para formatar convenção de nomeação própria para o arquivo de imagem com base no número do ticket e no datetime. Quero dizer: Atualmente não estou 100 seguro de onde estou indo com a versão 3. A versão 2 não é uma EA e, portanto, não monitora seus negócios continuamente. Portanto, se um pedido pendente fosse de repente desencadear, isso é apenas uma operação MT4 normal, nenhum script VO-Pro está sendo executado no momento. No entanto, se eu fizer a versão 3 uma EA que monitore tudo de forma contínua, praticamente qualquer coisa será possível. 2. deslocamento em movimento baseado em pips alvo atingidos - do ponto de entrada ou um nível de preço. Não é um conceito de parada final, mas mais uma proteção do risco de lucro após um certo número de pips terem sido atingidos. Múltiplos níveis ou alvo definidos. Mais uma vez, os conceitos como SL em movimento serão possíveis se eu fizer a versão 3 uma EA. Há um zilhão de diferentes tipos de gerenciamento de saída de saída. Eu tentaria incluir todos os que eu acho que a maioria dos comerciantes pode achar útil demais e alguns menos pessoal alfabetizado em informática inevitavelmente queixar-se-ão de que os quotits também são confusos. 3. Saldo da conta --- Eu mantenho alguns fundos em um banco comercial como proteção, possamos ter a capacidade de inserir quotBNNNN. NNquot onde NNNNN. NN é de fundos externos. Eu incluí isso na versão 2.02, que eu estarei lançando em breve. Hey, eu coloco as teclas rápidas para cada script e não preciso arrastar e soltar, basta pressionar CTL1 ou o que for e bam. O script é executado. Sim, eu também prefiro usar as teclas de atalho (o teclado geralmente é muito mais rápido do que o mouse), embora eu espere que a maioria das pessoas preferirá arrastar os scripts para o gráfico. Ambas as opções estão disponíveis. Obrigado novamente, David, experimentei muitos problemas com a execução dos meus pedidos usando o VO pro (sob o agente da NZ RU). Uma vez que não faz minhas ordens, outra vez minha parada de perda não é executada. Tentei anexar uma cópia da minha tela, mas não posso no site. Eu baixei o Alpari MT4 (quotInformational Trading Terminal Metatrader 4quot) desta página. Eu suponho que é o mesmo (Alpari NZ) que você está usando. Foram 3 opções para criar contas de demonstração. Eu tentei todos os 3 deles: Alpari-ECN-Demo. Parece que o tamanho da posição mínima é de 3 lotes cheios, e eles também cobram uma comissão pesada por comércio. Consegui colocar as ordens de limite e de mercado no EURUSD sem problemas (e obtuve um rápido lucro da ordem do mercado, LOL). Os procedimentos de modificação, eliminação e fechamento de VO-Pros também apareceram para funcionar correctamente. Alpari-NDD-Demo. Esta conta parecia permitir micro-lotes (0,01 lote), mas ainda cobrado comissão. Mais uma vez, consegui colocar pedidos de limite e de mercado no EURUSD sem problemas. Alpari-Demo. Esta conta permitiu apenas o comércio de mini-lotes (0.1 lot), mas nenhuma comissão foi cobrada. Mais uma vez, consegui colocar pedidos de limite e de mercado no EURUSD sem problemas. Em primeiro lugar, eu suponho que você tenha todas as caixas de seleção MT4 necessárias marcadas ON (Permitir transmissão ao vivo, etc.) conforme demonstrado no vídeo 1. Assim sendo, quando você clicar em EXECUTAR, MT4 deve fazer a ordem (conforme instruído pelo VO-Pro) , Ou retornar uma mensagem de erro para o VO-Pro, que deve ser exibida em uma janela (geralmente com sugestões sugeridas e MT4). Deixe-me saber quais mensagens de erro você está recebendo, e eu tentarei investigar mais. Durante períodos de pico de atividade, pode haver atrasos na colocação de pedidos. Isso se aplicaria, independentemente de você estar usando o VO-Pro ou MT4s New Order para fazer um pedido. Dependendo do br0ker e do nível de atividade, pode ser necessária alguma paciência. Se, por outro lado, as ordens estão sendo colocadas na área terminal, mas não estão sendo executadas (por exemplo, você mencionou um SL), isso está fora do controle VO-Pros. Se a Alpari não estiver cumprindo os pontos de entrada de pedidos pendentes, os stoplosses, etc. após as ordens terem sido colocadas, então estaria rapidamente procurando um br0ker mais confiável. Vou continuar a testar o VO-Pro da unidade no Alpari NZ, e publicar todos os erros que recebo, aqui neste tópico. Eu estava referente à ordem já colocada no terminal. Não é a execução do VO pro. Claro que pode vir do terminal em si, mas o que é estranho é que eu não experimentei esse tipo de problema antes sem usar o vo pro (com conta real e demo) fazendo pedidos diretamente no MT4. Eu fiz o teste com uma conta demo NDD. Se não é tecnicamente devido ao pro pro, esqueça minha mensagem. Mas estou certo de que não será o mesmo que você fez o gerenciamento de pedidos pro pelo furto, pois as ordens serão colocadas fora. Mulale, muito obrigado pela sua resposta. Isso é exatamente o que é o teste beta. Ter potenciais usuários de um produto confirma se um produto corre corretamente em condições diferentes (e neste caso, diferentes br0kers). Continuarei a executar testes nas contas NDD da Alpari NZ e publicarei minhas descobertas nesta discussão. Você pode usar qualquer número de métodos para inserir pedidos no MT4. Poderia ser o script VO Create New Order que poderia ser qualquer outro EA ou script ou poderia ser a função New Order do MT4s. Todos têm uma coisa em comum: após a ordem aparecer na área do terminal, é para MT4 (e o br0ker) para executar qualquer pedido, ou seja, abrir uma ordem pendente quando o preço da oferta (para uma ordem de venda) ou preço de compra ( Para um pedido de compra) atinge o nível especificado ou encerra uma ordem aberta quando o preço da oferta (para um pedido de compra) ou o preço de venda (para uma ordem de venda) atinge o TP ou o SL. Você pode desligar o MT4 e até desligar o computador, e esses níveis devem se manter bem, assumindo que o seu br0ker é honesto. NDD é suposto significar nenhuma mesa de negociação, ou seja, as ordens são colocadas automaticamente, e sem qualquer interferência humana. (As diferenças entre os conceitos NDD, ECN, STP etc são bem explicadas aqui - cerca de meio caminho da página). Supondo que o br0ker não seja um criador de mercado, deveria (na teoria) não ser necessário usar ordens secretas. Eu acho que você já sabe disso, mas as EAs funcionam de forma diferente dos scripts. As EAs podem monitorar continuamente os negócios (mas somente enquanto MT4 está sendo executado e o EA está habilitado) e faz com que entradas e saídas sejam feitas, no entanto, elas são programadas. Enquanto um script é executado apenas uma vez, e imediatamente ele terminou de executar, não tem mais influência sobre o MT4. VO-Pro (versão 2) é composto inteiramente de scripts cuja função termina assim que você clicar no botão EXECUTE ou CANCELAR. Eles são simplesmente uma abordagem visual para as instalações do MT4s para criar, modificar, fechar e excluir pedidos no terminal. Por isso, responda a sua pergunta, supondo que eu eventualmente crie uma versão 3 que seja capaz de executar algumas das funções que o MYFX faz (por exemplo, implementando sigilosos com SLs e níveis de TP parciais), então eu precisaria reescrever os scripts como EAs e Haveria muito trabalho envolvido para adicionar essas funções. Eu estava relutante em fazer isso inicialmente, porque há tantos EAs de Gerenciamento de Comércio que já existem (aqui e aqui estão dois livres, por exemplo - Steve Hopwood é um programador muito talentoso e sua EA multiuso pode realizar um grande número de Diferentes tipos de saída, e inclui instalações furtivas). Há também EAs que irão realizar tipos especiais de saídas, e. Saia quando uma combinação de indicadores atende certas condições. Eu queria que o VO-Pro fosse um produto original, que simplesmente não realizava as mesmas tarefas que já podem ser feitas por muitas EAs existentes. Novamente, muito obrigado por todos os testes que você tem feito. É extremamente útil e é muito apreciado. Muito obrigado por suas amáveis ​​palavras. Fico feliz que você goste do VO-Pro. O seguinte se refere à captura de tela abaixo: se você deseja colocar uma ordem de mercado, clique na caixa de seleção ao lado da Entrada DESLIGADA antes de arrastar o script Criar Nova Ordem para o seu gráfico. (Nota: para mais informações, assista ao vídeo 4 na primeira publicação.) Se você não deseja um TP ou SL, clique nas respectivas caixas de seleção DESLIGAR. (Claro que, se você não tiver um SL, você deve inserir o risco de comércio como um número de lotes). Essas configurações permanecem boas até você as alterar, ou clique no botão RESET. Há também outras duas maneiras de fazer isso: 1. Você pode clicar no pequeno botão (quotwizardquot) e escolher as opções Não SL, Sem TP, ou Enter at Market. Mas os feiticeiros são apenas instalações de treinamento que desmarcam as mesmas caixas, mesmo assim. 2. Ou você pode excluir as linhas do gráfico, como você disse. Obrigado novamente, DavidVO-Pro: Sistema abrangente de gerenciamento de ordens visuais para MT4 Inscrito em setembro de 2006 Status. 7,164 Posts Online Now NOTA (31 de janeiro de 2014). O VO-Pro, juntamente com quaisquer indicadores ou EAs que eu tenha contribuído para este tópico, provavelmente não funcionará na última compilação MT4 que é (se eu entender corretamente) devido a ser lançado em 3 de fevereiro. Se você quiser garantir que este O software continua funcionando corretamente, NÃO atualize seu MT4 além da compilação atual (509). Não sei como codificá-lo novamente para fazê-lo funcionar corretamente no novo look MT4, e não tenho vontade de me reeducar para aprender a nova linguagem de programação que MetaQuotes está forçando a todos. Pessoalmente, penso que a sua política de desenvolvimento míope foda totalmente, mas não há nada que eu possa fazer sobre isso. Então, se você decidir atualizar, você está sozinho. Por favor, note os Termos e Condições abaixo. O VO-Pro já não está disponível. Houve muitos problemas relatados ao executá-lo no Windows 7 e VPSs. No entanto, continuarei a apoiar os clientes existentes. Sinta-se bem-vindo para publicar suas perguntas neste tópico, ou envie-me por correio eletrônico através da minha página de perfil. Usuários existentes: leia esta postagem. VO-Pro pode comportar-se de forma errática nas construções MT4 mais recentes. Informações importantes sobre o Windows 8 aqui --- leia. No entanto, eu restabelei as anotações que anteriormente estavam na postagem 1, no caso de serem úteis para usuários existentes: 8 de outubro de 2012: 1. Decidi remover o indicador de notícias do domínio público. Não tenho tempo nem motivação para continuar a apoiar o produto. A sobrecarga QampA tornou-se muito demorada, especialmente para um produto gratuito. Peço desculpas, mas devo dedicar tempo aos projetos que têm maior potencial para me fornecer a renda necessária para pagar minhas contas. 2. Os números de vendas VO-Pro, e a classificação para este segmento, continuam a cair. Só posso concluir que, quanto mais recursos forem adicionados ao VO-Pro, as pessoas mais confusas o encontraram, e, portanto, menos popular se tornou. Vou corrigir o bug descrito aqui. but beyond that I must re-consider the viability and future of VO-Pro, as to whether it is worth the time and effort to enhance the product any further. The planned enhancements will only serve to make the product even more complex, and will increase the supportQampA requirement, as non-programmers will likely struggle to understand how to use the enhancements effectively. And once again, my personal financial situation must be the overriding priority. I will make a final decision before the end of this week. Sep 5, 2012: VO-Pro v3.05 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. This, and all future versions, will not overwrite factory-supplied presets and TM templates, ensuring that any modifications you make to them remain intact. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded, with a new information on the rules for processing order types (see page 41). Aug 30, 2012: VO-Pro v3.04 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. The SLTP options in VOConsoles Create New Order panel have been extended to include entryNentry8211N (pips). More info here. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded, with pages physically numbered. Price of VO-Pro will revert to US199 on 1 September. Aug 18, 2012: I dislike marketing gimmicks, because I believe a product either offers value at its full price, or it doesnt. Nonetheless, VO-Pro is now available for half price (US99, instead of 199), until the end of August. Please feel welcome to take advantage of this opportunity, while its available. Aug 6, 2012: VO-Pro v3.03 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. More info here. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded. July 31, 2012: Finally VO-ProTM now has a (99 page) user manual. Ive converted the VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide Word doc to PDF format. I had to ZIP it as it exceeded FFs file size limit. You can download the ZIP from the foot of this post. Next, I have one bug to fix I hope to post v3.03 in the next 24 hours. Then Ill be re-making all of the instructional YouTube videos. July 25, 2012: VO-Pro v3.02 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded. July 20, 2012: VO-Pro version 3.01 can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. More info here . July 16, 2012: Updated the document. Its around 28 pages now, but still a long way to go yet Ill be adding a lot of screenshots and diagrams before its finished. Its been renamed to something more appropriate: VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide . July 6, 2012: For anybody who wishes to get started with Trade Minder, Ive attached a document to this post. This document is a work in progress 8212 Ill continue to add to it, and re-post it every day, until a full operations manual for VO-Pro is complete. July 4, 2012: VO-Pro v3.0 (with Trade Minder) is now available. Download the beta version from the ZIP file at the end of this post. The price of VO-Pro is now US199. I am working on user manuals and instructional videos will post these immediately they are complete (hopefully over the next 1-2 weeks). In the meantime, I will post some basic instructions in this thread. When the beta period is complete, VO-Pro will be migrated from Forex Factory to its own page on Andrew Mitchems website . July 2, 2012: At last Development of VO-Pro v 3.0Trade Minder is now complete. Ill perform some final testing over the next 1-2 days, and then release the beta version here. Then Ill start work on the user manuals and instructional videos. June 17, 2012: For a sneak previewoverview of how Trade Minder will operate, click here. I hope to release VO-Pro v3.0 (beta), which will include Trade Minder, during the last week of June. June 3, 2012: Version 2.34 is now available. For more info, see post 663 . May 29, 2012: Version 2.33 is now available. 1. VO-Pro is now capable of factoring commissions, swaps and other costs into its position sizing, risk and return calculations. 2. The trial version now allows the TradeRisk value to be split into multiple component orders, just as in the paid-for version. Detailed info here . May 24, 2012: NEW VO-PRO version 3.0 will include TRADE MINDER module Some months ago I said that I would include some trade management functions into VO-Pro. Trade Minder (TM) will be capable of a wide range of functions, including full and partial closing of open positions (also allowing stealth exits) deleting pending orders (e. g. one cancels the other order pairs) moving and trailing SLs and a range of other operations, all completely configurable when certain user-specified parameters are met. You simply define your set of rules (quot if certain orders meet certain conditions, then perform the following operation(s) quot), and leave the Trade Minder EA to execute them, while youre away from your computer. The VO monitor EA will be upgraded to perform all trade minder functions, on any or all currency pairs, despite being attached to only one MT4 chart. Despite being a VO-Pro module, TMs independence means that it can operate on any orders, regardless of whether these orders were created using VO-Pro or not. Orders for which TM rules have been created can also have their TPs and SLs moved visually using VO-Pro8217s Modify Orders script. Upon the release of TM, I will increase the price of VO-Pro to US199. (Note: the current purchase price of VO-Pro is US69). However, as always, all upgrades are available free of charge to all previous VO-Pro buyers. I hope to release VO-ProTM v3.0 by around mid-June. For up-to-date information, please continue to monitor this thread. May 10, 2012: version 2.32 is now available. This fixes the bug reported here . Mar 6, 2012: added Links to helpful posts section below. Feb 9, 2012: version 2.31 is now available. Minor fix to True Leverage calculation. Applicable only if br0ker appends suffixes to currency symbols, e. g. IamFX uses EURUSDiam instead of EURUSD Dec 12, 2011. version 2.30 is now available. Please see post 606 for more information. Nov 28, 2011. version 2.29 is now available. Please see post 590 for more information. Nov 18, 2011: version 2.28 is now available. Please see post 571 for more info. Nov 15, 2011: version 2.27 is now available. Please see post 568 for more info. After providing more than 40,000 Forex Factory patrons with a free news indicator. Ive decided to go commercial with a rather more ambitious offering. VO-Pro is a comprehensive visual order management system for MT4. Its my belief that the serious trader should be allowed to focus on his analysis, while software automatically takes care of price numerics, order type, risksizing calculations, adjustment for spread, and order placement. VO-Pro is designed to facilitate rapid, accurate, bulk order creation, modification, closure and deletion. Rather than engage in a lengthy sales pitch, Ill simply say two things: that the best way to see VO-Pros array of features is to try it for yourself and that VO-Pro has helped me to become a more accurate and consistent trader. I hope that it can do the same for you. This software (VO-Pro) is provided on an as is basis, and by downloading and using it, you agree to do so entirely at your own risk. I strongly recommend that you test this software, and familiarize yourself thoroughly with its operation, and idiosyncrasies, before attempting to use it on a live MT4 account. I accept no responsibility for any trading decisions that you might make. I accept no liability whatsoever for any losses, material or otherwise, that you might incur from the correct or incorrect use of this software. VO-PRO is shareware Anybody can now download and test a trial version for 14 days. The only limitations in the trial version are (i) that risk on new trades must be either 2 lots, 200, or 20 of your account equity and (ii) the Trade Minder function is limited to a maximum of 6 rules. All other features are fully available. You may download a fresh trial version every 14 days, as many times as you wish, if you need more time for testing. If your version of VO-Pro is unregistered after the trial period expires, youll see a pop-up message window like that shown in post 124 . I strongly recommend that you thoroughly test all of VO-Pros features and functions ( on a demo account ), before you make any decision about purchasing the product. Make sure that VO-Pro behaves exactly the way that you expect it should that it performs correctly on all of the br0ker MT4 versions that you intend to run it on and satisfy yourself that it offers you value for your money. Should you decide to purchase VO-Pro, I want you to be happy with your purchase. Due to banking and exchange costs, there can be no refunds . The purchase price for VO-Pro is USD 199, and all payments must be made via PayPal. The 199 registration will allow you to run VO-Pro on up to 3 different MT4 installations, or 3 different computers (explained here ). Buyers will be sent a new registration key file as soon as their money has been receipted. More information here . I will be attempting to negotiate arrangements with MT4 br0kers, where the purchase price might be paid or subsidized by the br0ker if you meet certain criteria, like opening a certain size account, or transacting a certain volume of trades. If you have a preference for any particular br0ker(s), please either post this, or PM me. All upgrades will be downloadable, at no additional charge, from this post. I will increment the version number, and bump the thread, whenever there is an upgrade. Because of the way the registration key operates, any upgrades will automatically apply to both the 14-day trial, and the full featured, version. This does NOT include upgrades to MT5. Any future MT5 version will be offered as a separate product and in a separate thread. Testing to date Ive tested VO-Pro on 19 different MT4 br0kers, and everything seems to work fine: ActivTrades Alpari UK Alpari NZ Axi(s) Trader Forex Gain Capital (uses currency symbols like EURUSDFXF) FXCM (Australia) FXDD FX PRO FX Solutions (Australia) Go Markets IamFX IBFX mini (e. g. symbols EURUSDm) MBT Trader MIG Bank Pepperstone Smart Live Trades Vantage FX Varengold FX (4-digit quotes) VO-Pro should run correctly, no matter where your MT4 (drive and folder) is installed. However, I am running only Win XP Pro SP2 here my facilities to test on either Win 7 or Vista are limited. Feedback is most welcome. If running Vista, you may need to first either (1) sign on as the System Administrator, or (2) re-install MT4 somewhere other than in a folder underneath Program Files, in order to have VO-Pro install and run correctly (more information here ). If youre having problems installingrunning VO-Pro on either Vista or Win 7 (especially if files appear to be missing or not executable), then please read posts 44 and 46 here. The video attached to this post might also help. Download and Setup Unzip the VOsetup v2-xx. ZIP file, to obtain the installer program VOsetup. EXE . Then run the installer, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have trouble downloading the ZIP file, try clicking the paper clip icon in the top right corner of the Forex Factory window (labeled 1 in the screenshot below). Then click on the attachment (labeled 2). Failing that, please send me an e-mail, with a suitable subject (e. g. quotRe: VO-Proquot) so that I dont treat it as spam, and I will attach the file(s) to my return mail. Instructional YouTube videos (Note: for best viewing, select 720HD and full screen mode) flyer415 . many, many thanks. Ive uploaded a new version, and instruction manual, to post 1. Enhancements to VOE: 1. Theres now no need to press a field exit key before Alt-Tabbing from VOE to MT4. All VOE settings are now immediately available to MT4. 2. When you Alt-Tab from MT4 back to VOE, the Order Selection window is automatically updated with any changes (closes, deletions, etc) made in MT4. You no longer need to click ORDERS LIST or press F8 to kickstart the refreshing of the Order Selection window. 3. There is now a dropdown selection for the Trade Risk field. This comes with preset values of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3, and any new entries that you make are added to the dropdown list, for future re-use. 4. Most significantly, there are now entry wizards (the buttons) to assist you with the completion of the Trade Risk, Entry, SL, TP, Ruler and Close Rules fields. The entry wizard allows you to choose from a selection of all permissible entry types for the field. My aim is to post some instructional videos on YouTube within the next couple of days, and links to these in post 1. Flyer, many thanks for your suggestion. I turned PMs off a while ago. I was getting anything up to 20 programming requests every week, just couldnt keep up. VO-Pro allows you to set any account balance you wish. Simply type a number into the Account Amount field (see attached screenshot), overwriting the E there. However, this is assumed to be in the same currency denomination as your account balance. The Denom. Symbol field merely changes the displayed symbol to , , etc, whatever you wish, so that all of the calculations etc show as instead of , for example. Again, its assumed to be the same denomination as your account, i. e. theres no conversion taking place. Ill definitely think about incorporating a currency conversion facility in a later release. Thanks again, David Attached Image (click to enlarge) Joined Sep 2010 Status: Member 10 Posts I have to say that this was just the kind of visual trade management tool I was looking for. my timing to view your thread couldnt have been better. Thanks so much and I am grateful that brilliant traders like you are here in this world sharing their wisdom with the less fortunate traders like myself I find this piece of software very appealing because of its visual nature and the interface is nothing like I have ever used before, although it might look a bit difficult to understand at first but eventually this can and should be a traders 1st tool next to the trading platform. I know this software is for managing orders but I have a couple of ideas that would be soooo helpful with the trade management, if you would be kind enough to consider implementing them in the future: 1. An option to hide the actual TP and SL represented by the lines from the broker. This means that the software has to internally manage the trade and not send trade parameters to the broker. 2. A way to partially close the trade at several TP levels with auto lot management at each level. 3. All Pending orders are stored internally and executed as market order when the price reaches those levels thus hiding the pending orders from the broker. This is helpful because most fixed spread brokers have rules for pending orders to be placed many pips away from current market price which is a bit annoying if I want to scale into a trade or get in early. These few modification will help hide the trading activities from the broker and everything will be managed internally by the software. Please tell me what you think and if this is even possible. If these can be integrated, this tool can be so much discrete and powerful. Anyways, currently what this software provides is a must for every trader who wants to get their trades managed in a systematic and disciplined way. I am definitely looking forward to buy this. Many thanks for your contributions to the forex industry and keep up the great work. PS - I am using your other indicators and it helps me greatly with my trade analysis everyday, especially the Recent SR indicator. God bless you for your generosity. Many, many thanks for your comments. Apart from a few PMs, feedback has been rare, hence yours is even more greatly welcomed. Ive been working non-stop on version 2. It is now completed and tested, and Ill release it as soon as Ive revised the instruction manual and produced several new instructional videos (hopefully this coming week). The user interfaceoptions have been overhauled and greatly simplified. VO-Pro should now be more visually appealing, and have a much more interactive and intuitive feel to it. Currently VO-Pros scope and purpose is to provide an automated and visual approach to MT4s create order, modify order, close order, and delete order functions. My next decision must be whether to extend it into a full trade management system (multiple exit targets, trailing stoplosses, OCOs, etc) that will monitor your trades for you, or possibly make the latter a completely separate product. The trade management system will address the stealth ideas that youve described, i. e. exit points will be hidden from the br0ker. I could continue to add feature upon feature, but at some point I need to formally release the product (and hopefully generate some income to pay my bills). I will be doing this with version 2. At this point my intention is to offer a lifetime of free upgrades to all customers loyal enough to purchase version 2, but then increase the price to subsequent first-time buyers as additional features get added in later versions. Hi David I follow this thread with great interest cos I (and every MT4 trader) deadly need program like this. Already get license on MYFX, but its slow my computer greatly. I appreciate your effort to help traders like me and will buy your software as soon as it will be released TY. viat Viat, many thanks for your response. Version 2 will be posted some time later this week. Hopefully youll find it a big improvement over version 1. It is so much simpler to use. After watching the videos on the MYFX site, I decided to write VO-Pro, initially to assist my own trading. Obviously a lot of thought and work has gone into MYFX, but I prefer a more visual approach to trading. For me, charts - trends, candle shapes and sizes, supportresistance levels, etc - are all visual patterns. Why should I have to manually type in price values, select order types, or calculate position sizes, when the computer can potentially automate all of this Because of its design philosophy, VO-Pro uses minimal CPU resource. There is no intensive polling after orders have been placed, because VO-Pro doesnt continuously monitor your trades in the way that MYFX does. However, you can still modify your exit points, as a trade unfolds, whenever you wish. hi, this tool would be very useful, good work really. Mas. I think it needs to be far more simple, more handy to use. People are not programmers like you It would be very effective with these basic features. Mulale, many thanks for your comments. Version 2, which should be ready by the weekend, will still contain all of the same features as Version 1, but is hopefully much easier to understand and use. I want to cater for both experienced traders and newcomers. Different people have different approaches to trading. The basic premise behind VO-Pro is: move the lines on the chart to your desired entrySLTP points, set the risk, execute the trade. I dont believe it can be made any simpler than that. That is how version 2 will operate. order (set by the price better than number of Pips) SL (set by the price better than number of Pips) trailing SL if needed (number of pips) Partial TP 1 () Partial TP 2 () final TP (set by the price better than number of Pips) When you say quotset by the pricequot, I assume that you mean move the line to where you want to enter the trade, rather than type in the actual price (e. g. 1.2785) You can type in the price using MT4 itself. Anyway, VO-Pro also allows you to type a number, if you want to. VO-Pro allows you to scale out very easily, using multiple TP levels. It doesnt as yet have a trailing SL feature, but MT4 already does that, in any case. Thanks again for your comments. Please feel welcome to try Version 2.VO-Pro: Comprehensive visual order management system for MT4 David - Opened my demo account on MB Trading and when trying to execute an order got this message. What do I need to do I normally trade off of MBT desktop, and as far as I can tell VO-PRO is operating normally. Have a monitor chart minimized and the monitor running indication is present on that chart. John, I havent been able to reproduce this error. As you can see from my first screenshot, all of the trade parameters are exactly the same - entry, TP, SL at the same levels, same returnrisk , etc, same lot size (0.10). The only difference is that price has fallen since your post, hence my trade is a sell limit instead of a sell stop. When I click EXECUTE, the trade gets placed without any problem (see second screenshot). The error is effectively saying that VO-Pro has sent an invalid trade parameter to MT4. The only thing I can think of is that you check the MT4 Trade settings area - you can see how Ive set mine in the third screenshot. Perhaps you have an invalid setting (an expiry date) in that area. The monitor has no bearing, in this case. All it does is pass order information from MT4 to VO-Pro, so that the latter can display the orders in its Order List window. You should be able to create a new order regardless of whether the monitor is running, or not. All I can suggest is that you try placing similar orders over the next few days, and see if we can establish some kind of pattern, as to what works, and what doesnt. In the meantime, Im going to improve VO-Pros error handling to provide more information on the error message screen, showing exactly what parameters were sent from VO-Pro to MT4. Sorry I can be of more help. Attached Images (click to enlarge) Anyway, the good news is that I will be including a Trade Manager in version 3.00, that will include stealth facilities. On Trade Manager. will this be a separate module. May I rudely suggest it be. and possible at a different price point, so we can opt to have or not to have installed, and also possible increase ur revenue and maybe reduce code management. I can see the potential of numerous more features for both VO-Pro and Trade Manager over time and the potential headache on managing the code. I agree with ur note on stealth feature, will only work if everybody uses it as most traders will have stops in generally the same areas. Approach IBFX early they seem to be be willing to partner with developers and are very techy savy brokers. Actual Leverage Used - In these days of tight leverage it would be nice to show the true amt of leverage actually utilized in each trade. Similar to ur RiskReward info. Would have to have that group feature similar to group RR for multiple positions. Jus my thoughts. On Trade Manager. will this be a separate module Approach IBFX early they seem to be be willing to partner with developers and are very techy savy brokers. Actual Leverage Used - In these days of tight leverage it would be nice to show the true amt of leverage actually utilized in each trade. Ive answered your PM. Re Trade Manager: There are good reasons to make it a separate module. There are also good reasons for allowing VO-Pros order selection process to be integrated into the Trade Manager. I havent started the Trade manager yet. I will need to give all of this some careful thought. Re IBFX: I will certainly approach them. As I said in my PM to you, I want to reach out to as many br0kers as possible. Re Actual Leverage: I dont know how to calculate it, beyond whats written here (found using Google). It seems to suggest that the calc is different if youre trading XXXYYY and your acct is denominated in a currency other than YYY, but it doesnt explain how to modify the calc if this is the case. Many thanks for your contribution. Got it up and running on demo. Placed an order just fine. When I click on orders there are no entries for the live order that is running. Is that normal How do I gert an order to show in the orders pane Also, is there a way to display at what price the SL and TP lines are right now the lines end at the far right of the chart but do not have a price shown on them. The order line shows the execution price just fine. All in all very cool and a great tool for visualization of where orders are. To get the orders to show, you need to have the VO Monitor script attached to a chart, preferably a dummy chart that you dont use for anything else. This script gathers the orders from MT4 and feeds them to VO-Pro. When its running, you can see the Monitor running. message in the bottom right of the main price window of the dummy chart. There may be a number of reasons why the prices arent showing (numbers also refer to the numbered areas in the attached screenshot): 1. You have the Show RR data above lines box checked off. You can toggle the display of the text above the lines onoff by checkingunchecking this box. 2. The prices are somewhere off the left of the screen. To avoid this, press the END key (in MT4) to make sure that the very latest candles are on the screen. Then click VO-Pros CANCEL and RESET buttons, in that order. The CANCEL button will remove any existing lines, causing VO-Pro to start over while the RESET button will ensure that the lines and prices etc start half way up the screen. The drag the VO Create New Order script onto your chart, and you should be able to see all of the prices etc. 3. If all of the other data (dollar value, percent, etc) is showing, but not the price, make sure you have the Show price box checked on. (To obtain this screen, you need to first click the SETTINGS button). Attached Image (click to enlarge) I think I see what you are doing, and why it is causing a problem. You are leaving VO-Pros lines on the chart, like you might do with an EA, waiting until the price hits them Thats not the way its designed to work. VO-Pro is geared for placing orders immediately. They can be pending (buy limit, sell stop, etc) or market orders but this is what you should do, in this sequence: 1. Set the VO-Pro parameters however your needs dictate 2. Drag VO Create New Order onto your chart 3. Move the lines to your desired entry SL TP locations 4. Adjust the Trade Risk (if necessary) 5. Click EXECUTE to place the order. It should appear in the terminal area. Only then should you look at placing another order on a different chart (different pair or timeframe). In other words, VO-Pros lines should only exist on one chart at any one time, in just the same way as with MT4, where you complete the placement of an order before you switch pairs or timeframes. In MT4 youd normally select the New Order function. Then you fill in the parameters (number of lots, entry, TP, SL, etc), and click BUY or SELL, and the order is placed. VO-Pro is simply a visual approach to doing exactly the same thing: set the parameters, then click EXECUTE to place the order (or CANCEL to bail out). I guess youve watched the videos in the links in post 1 They explain how to place a pending order, market order, etc in step by step fashion. Im not the worlds greatest presenter (LOL), but the video sequences should be easy enough to follow. Each video is only 3-6 minutes long, and you can pause, or skip forward or backward to replay specific points, if you need to. Keep posting and asking questions, if you need to. They may also help others who are going through similar thought processes to yours. Joined Oct 2009 Status: Member 140 Posts Have tried everything you have suggested and then some. Deleted everything, reloaded again. I think the main issue is that at the very start of the process you describe my version of XP Pro does not have an extract option. So initially I used winzip to manually extract the files to the locations you provided. This did not work. Since your last post I removed everything and tried to drag and drop the file as Windows help suggests for a compressed folder. I will try one more time - deleting everything and then reinstalling via winzip extraction. I even deleted winzip in hopes that without it the XP Pro extraction method dwould appear. Before I do that any further suggestions Thanks for your patience. Hi David I enjoy using VO-Pro. Thank you very match for good job My only wish is I like to see, those numbers that appears on lines, after order is executed. I dont know if its possible. Thank you You can use the VO Modify Orders facility to review an order, or orders, that youve just created. Drag this script on to the chart, and the lines and RR text will appear in the same places as they were just before you created the order. When youve finished reviewing the situation, click CANCEL to remove the linestext. Or you can move any of the lines, and click EXECUTE, to modify the order(s). If you want to selectively reviewmodify only some of the orders for a given chart, click the ORDERS button first, and then check ON the orders you want to reviewmodify in the Orders List window. Then drag the VO Modify Orders script onto the chart. Suppose you want to review or modify both GBPUSD and USDJPY orders that youve placed. Select all of these orders. Then when you drag VO Modify Orders onto a GBPUSD chart, only the GBPUSD orders will show same for the USDJPY chart. VO-Pro: Comprehensive visual order management system for MT4 NOTE (Jan 31, 2014) . VO-Pro, along with any indicators or EAs that Ive contributed to this thread will probably no longer work in the latest MT4 build that is (if I understand correctly) due to be rolled out on Feb 3. If you want to ensure that this software continues to work correctly, do NOT upgrade your MT4 beyond the current build (509) . I dont know how to re-code it to make it run correctly in the new look MT4, and Ive no desire to re-educate myself to learn the new programming language that MetaQuotes is forcing upon everybody. Personally I think that their short-sighted development policy totally stinks, but theres nothing I can do about it. So if you decide to upgrade, youre on your own. Please note the Terms and Conditions below. VO-Pro is no longer available. There have been too many problems reported when running it on Windows 7 and VPSs. However, I will continue to support existing clients. Please feel welcome to post your questions in this thread, or messagee-mail me through my profile page . Existing users: please read this post. VO-Pro may behave erratically on the more recent MT4 builds. Important info about Windows 8 here --- please read. However, I have reinstated the notes that were previously in post 1 here, in case they are helpful to existing users: Oct 8, 2012: 1. Ive decided to remove the news indicator from the public domain. I no longer have the time or motivation to continue supporting the product. The QampA overhead has become too time-consuming, especially for a free product. I apologize, but I must devote time to projects that have to most potential to provide me with the income needed to pay my bills. 2. Both VO-Pro sales numbers, and the rating for this thread, continue to plummet. I can only conclude that the more features that are added to VO-Pro, the more confusing people have found it, and hence the less popular it has become. I will fix the bug described here. but beyond that I must re-consider the viability and future of VO-Pro, as to whether it is worth the time and effort to enhance the product any further. The planned enhancements will only serve to make the product even more complex, and will increase the supportQampA requirement, as non-programmers will likely struggle to understand how to use the enhancements effectively. And once again, my personal financial situation must be the overriding priority. I will make a final decision before the end of this week. Sep 5, 2012: VO-Pro v3.05 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. This, and all future versions, will not overwrite factory-supplied presets and TM templates, ensuring that any modifications you make to them remain intact. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded, with a new information on the rules for processing order types (see page 41). Aug 30, 2012: VO-Pro v3.04 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. The SLTP options in VOConsoles Create New Order panel have been extended to include entryNentry8211N (pips). More info here. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded, with pages physically numbered. Price of VO-Pro will revert to US199 on 1 September. Aug 18, 2012: I dislike marketing gimmicks, because I believe a product either offers value at its full price, or it doesnt. Nonetheless, VO-Pro is now available for half price (US99, instead of 199), until the end of August. Please feel welcome to take advantage of this opportunity, while its available. Aug 6, 2012: VO-Pro v3.03 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. More info here. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded. July 31, 2012: Finally VO-ProTM now has a (99 page) user manual. Ive converted the VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide Word doc to PDF format. I had to ZIP it as it exceeded FFs file size limit. You can download the ZIP from the foot of this post. Next, I have one bug to fix I hope to post v3.03 in the next 24 hours. Then Ill be re-making all of the instructional YouTube videos. July 25, 2012: VO-Pro v3.02 is now available, and can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. All known bugs have been fixed. Latest version of VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide has also been uploaded. July 20, 2012: VO-Pro version 3.01 can now be downloaded from the ZIP file at the foot of this post. More info here . July 16, 2012: Updated the document. Its around 28 pages now, but still a long way to go yet Ill be adding a lot of screenshots and diagrams before its finished. Its been renamed to something more appropriate: VO-Pro v3-0 Operations amp Reference Guide . July 6, 2012: For anybody who wishes to get started with Trade Minder, Ive attached a document to this post. This document is a work in progress 8212 Ill continue to add to it, and re-post it every day, until a full operations manual for VO-Pro is complete. July 4, 2012: VO-Pro v3.0 (with Trade Minder) is now available. Download the beta version from the ZIP file at the end of this post. The price of VO-Pro is now US199. I am working on user manuals and instructional videos will post these immediately they are complete (hopefully over the next 1-2 weeks). In the meantime, I will post some basic instructions in this thread. When the beta period is complete, VO-Pro will be migrated from Forex Factory to its own page on Andrew Mitchems website . July 2, 2012: At last Development of VO-Pro v 3.0Trade Minder is now complete. Ill perform some final testing over the next 1-2 days, and then release the beta version here. Then Ill start work on the user manuals and instructional videos. June 17, 2012: For a sneak previewoverview of how Trade Minder will operate, click here. I hope to release VO-Pro v3.0 (beta), which will include Trade Minder, during the last week of June. June 3, 2012: Version 2.34 is now available. For more info, see post 663 . May 29, 2012: Version 2.33 is now available. 1. VO-Pro is now capable of factoring commissions, swaps and other costs into its position sizing, risk and return calculations. 2. The trial version now allows the TradeRisk value to be split into multiple component orders, just as in the paid-for version. Detailed info here . May 24, 2012: NEW VO-PRO version 3.0 will include TRADE MINDER module Some months ago I said that I would include some trade management functions into VO-Pro. Trade Minder (TM) will be capable of a wide range of functions, including full and partial closing of open positions (also allowing stealth exits) deleting pending orders (e. g. one cancels the other order pairs) moving and trailing SLs and a range of other operations, all completely configurable when certain user-specified parameters are met. You simply define your set of rules (quot if certain orders meet certain conditions, then perform the following operation(s) quot), and leave the Trade Minder EA to execute them, while youre away from your computer. The VO monitor EA will be upgraded to perform all trade minder functions, on any or all currency pairs, despite being attached to only one MT4 chart. Despite being a VO-Pro module, TMs independence means that it can operate on any orders, regardless of whether these orders were created using VO-Pro or not. Orders for which TM rules have been created can also have their TPs and SLs moved visually using VO-Pro8217s Modify Orders script. Upon the release of TM, I will increase the price of VO-Pro to US199. (Note: the current purchase price of VO-Pro is US69). However, as always, all upgrades are available free of charge to all previous VO-Pro buyers. I hope to release VO-ProTM v3.0 by around mid-June. For up-to-date information, please continue to monitor this thread. May 10, 2012: version 2.32 is now available. This fixes the bug reported here . Mar 6, 2012: added Links to helpful posts section below. Feb 9, 2012: version 2.31 is now available. Minor fix to True Leverage calculation. Applicable only if br0ker appends suffixes to currency symbols, e. g. IamFX uses EURUSDiam instead of EURUSD Dec 12, 2011. version 2.30 is now available. Please see post 606 for more information. Nov 28, 2011. version 2.29 is now available. Please see post 590 for more information. Nov 18, 2011: version 2.28 is now available. Please see post 571 for more info. Nov 15, 2011: version 2.27 is now available. Please see post 568 for more info. After providing more than 40,000 Forex Factory patrons with a free news indicator. Ive decided to go commercial with a rather more ambitious offering. VO-Pro is a comprehensive visual order management system for MT4. Its my belief that the serious trader should be allowed to focus on his analysis, while software automatically takes care of price numerics, order type, risksizing calculations, adjustment for spread, and order placement. VO-Pro is designed to facilitate rapid, accurate, bulk order creation, modification, closure and deletion. Rather than engage in a lengthy sales pitch, Ill simply say two things: that the best way to see VO-Pros array of features is to try it for yourself and that VO-Pro has helped me to become a more accurate and consistent trader. I hope that it can do the same for you. This software (VO-Pro) is provided on an as is basis, and by downloading and using it, you agree to do so entirely at your own risk. I strongly recommend that you test this software, and familiarize yourself thoroughly with its operation, and idiosyncrasies, before attempting to use it on a live MT4 account. I accept no responsibility for any trading decisions that you might make. I accept no liability whatsoever for any losses, material or otherwise, that you might incur from the correct or incorrect use of this software. VO-PRO is shareware Anybody can now download and test a trial version for 14 days. The only limitations in the trial version are (i) that risk on new trades must be either 2 lots, 200, or 20 of your account equity and (ii) the Trade Minder function is limited to a maximum of 6 rules. All other features are fully available. You may download a fresh trial version every 14 days, as many times as you wish, if you need more time for testing. If your version of VO-Pro is unregistered after the trial period expires, youll see a pop-up message window like that shown in post 124 . I strongly recommend that you thoroughly test all of VO-Pros features and functions ( on a demo account ), before you make any decision about purchasing the product. Make sure that VO-Pro behaves exactly the way that you expect it should that it performs correctly on all of the br0ker MT4 versions that you intend to run it on and satisfy yourself that it offers you value for your money. Should you decide to purchase VO-Pro, I want you to be happy with your purchase. Due to banking and exchange costs, there can be no refunds . The purchase price for VO-Pro is USD 199, and all payments must be made via PayPal. The 199 registration will allow you to run VO-Pro on up to 3 different MT4 installations, or 3 different computers (explained here ). Buyers will be sent a new registration key file as soon as their money has been receipted. More information here . I will be attempting to negotiate arrangements with MT4 br0kers, where the purchase price might be paid or subsidized by the br0ker if you meet certain criteria, like opening a certain size account, or transacting a certain volume of trades. If you have a preference for any particular br0ker(s), please either post this, or PM me. All upgrades will be downloadable, at no additional charge, from this post. I will increment the version number, and bump the thread, whenever there is an upgrade. Because of the way the registration key operates, any upgrades will automatically apply to both the 14-day trial, and the full featured, version. This does NOT include upgrades to MT5. Any future MT5 version will be offered as a separate product and in a separate thread. Testing to date Ive tested VO-Pro on 19 different MT4 br0kers, and everything seems to work fine: ActivTrades Alpari UK Alpari NZ Axi(s) Trader Forex Gain Capital (uses currency symbols like EURUSDFXF) FXCM (Australia) FXDD FX PRO FX Solutions (Australia) Go Markets IamFX IBFX mini (e. g. symbols EURUSDm) MBT Trader MIG Bank Pepperstone Smart Live Trades Vantage FX Varengold FX (4-digit quotes) VO-Pro should run correctly, no matter where your MT4 (drive and folder) is installed. However, I am running only Win XP Pro SP2 here my facilities to test on either Win 7 or Vista are limited. Feedback is most welcome. If running Vista, you may need to first either (1) sign on as the System Administrator, or (2) re-install MT4 somewhere other than in a folder underneath Program Files, in order to have VO-Pro install and run correctly (more information here ). If youre having problems installingrunning VO-Pro on either Vista or Win 7 (especially if files appear to be missing or not executable), then please read posts 44 and 46 here. The video attached to this post might also help. Download and Setup Unzip the VOsetup v2-xx. ZIP file, to obtain the installer program VOsetup. EXE . Then run the installer, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have trouble downloading the ZIP file, try clicking the paper clip icon in the top right corner of the Forex Factory window (labeled 1 in the screenshot below). Then click on the attachment (labeled 2). Failing that, please send me an e-mail, with a suitable subject (e. g. quotRe: VO-Proquot) so that I dont treat it as spam, and I will attach the file(s) to my return mail. Instructional YouTube videos (Note: for best viewing, select 720HD and full screen mode) flyer415 . many, many thanks. Ive uploaded a new version, and instruction manual, to post 1. Enhancements to VOE: 1. Theres now no need to press a field exit key before Alt-Tabbing from VOE to MT4. All VOE settings are now immediately available to MT4. 2. When you Alt-Tab from MT4 back to VOE, the Order Selection window is automatically updated with any changes (closes, deletions, etc) made in MT4. You no longer need to click ORDERS LIST or press F8 to kickstart the refreshing of the Order Selection window. 3. There is now a dropdown selection for the Trade Risk field. This comes with preset values of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3, and any new entries that you make are added to the dropdown list, for future re-use. 4. Most significantly, there are now entry wizards (the buttons) to assist you with the completion of the Trade Risk, Entry, SL, TP, Ruler and Close Rules fields. The entry wizard allows you to choose from a selection of all permissible entry types for the field. My aim is to post some instructional videos on YouTube within the next couple of days, and links to these in post 1. Just a quick comment as I can not emailPM you. You may want to look at having an input for account balance stored elsewhere. The only calculates based on what is at my broker but I only keep 10 of my entire balance at my broker and the remainder is kept at my bank. This is for safetysecurity reasons in case of their bankruptcy. Also, if it would be possible to have it denominated in various currencies such as CAD, EUR, GBP etc. It is a fairly simple mod but may end up in a lot of work depending on how your system is set up. An example would be I select CAD and then I tell it my balance in CAD. I want it to use 1 risk and it calculates it based on CAD and the relevant cross currency for the pair I am trading. MT4 will provide the necessary info for the conversion so it is rather easy and quick. I do have the code for this if you require it as I use it in my Money management indicator. Just a quick comment as I can not emailPM you. Flyer, many thanks for your suggestion. I turned PMs off a while ago. I was getting anything up to 20 programming requests every week, just couldnt keep up. VO-Pro allows you to set any account balance you wish. Simply type a number into the Account Amount field (see attached screenshot), overwriting the E there. However, this is assumed to be in the same currency denomination as your account balance. The Denom. Symbol field merely changes the displayed symbol to , , etc, whatever you wish, so that all of the calculations etc show as instead of , for example. Again, its assumed to be the same denomination as your account, i. e. theres no conversion taking place. Ill definitely think about incorporating a currency conversion facility in a later release. Thanks again, David Attached Image (click to enlarge) Joined Sep 2010 Status: Member 10 Posts I have to say that this was just the kind of visual trade management tool I was looking for. my timing to view your thread couldnt have been better. Thanks so much and I am grateful that brilliant traders like you are here in this world sharing their wisdom with the less fortunate traders like myself I find this piece of software very appealing because of its visual nature and the interface is nothing like I have ever used before, although it might look a bit difficult to understand at first but eventually this can and should be a traders 1st tool next to the trading platform. I know this software is for managing orders but I have a couple of ideas that would be soooo helpful with the trade management, if you would be kind enough to consider implementing them in the future: 1. An option to hide the actual TP and SL represented by the lines from the broker. This means that the software has to internally manage the trade and not send trade parameters to the broker. 2. A way to partially close the trade at several TP levels with auto lot management at each level. 3. All Pending orders are stored internally and executed as market order when the price reaches those levels thus hiding the pending orders from the broker. This is helpful because most fixed spread brokers have rules for pending orders to be placed many pips away from current market price which is a bit annoying if I want to scale into a trade or get in early. These few modification will help hide the trading activities from the broker and everything will be managed internally by the software. Please tell me what you think and if this is even possible. If these can be integrated, this tool can be so much discrete and powerful. Anyways, currently what this software provides is a must for every trader who wants to get their trades managed in a systematic and disciplined way. I am definitely looking forward to buy this. Many thanks for your contributions to the forex industry and keep up the great work. PS - I am using your other indicators and it helps me greatly with my trade analysis everyday, especially the Recent SR indicator. God bless you for your generosity. Many, many thanks for your comments. Apart from a few PMs, feedback has been rare, hence yours is even more greatly welcomed. Ive been working non-stop on version 2. It is now completed and tested, and Ill release it as soon as Ive revised the instruction manual and produced several new instructional videos (hopefully this coming week). The user interfaceoptions have been overhauled and greatly simplified. VO-Pro should now be more visually appealing, and have a much more interactive and intuitive feel to it. Currently VO-Pros scope and purpose is to provide an automated and visual approach to MT4s create order, modify order, close order, and delete order functions. My next decision must be whether to extend it into a full trade management system (multiple exit targets, trailing stoplosses, OCOs, etc) that will monitor your trades for you, or possibly make the latter a completely separate product. The trade management system will address the stealth ideas that youve described, i. e. exit points will be hidden from the br0ker. I could continue to add feature upon feature, but at some point I need to formally release the product (and hopefully generate some income to pay my bills). I will be doing this with version 2. At this point my intention is to offer a lifetime of free upgrades to all customers loyal enough to purchase version 2, but then increase the price to subsequent first-time buyers as additional features get added in later versions. Hi David I follow this thread with great interest cos I (and every MT4 trader) deadly need program like this. Already get license on MYFX, but its slow my computer greatly. I appreciate your effort to help traders like me and will buy your software as soon as it will be released TY. viat Viat, many thanks for your response. Version 2 will be posted some time later this week. Hopefully youll find it a big improvement over version 1. It is so much simpler to use. After watching the videos on the MYFX site, I decided to write VO-Pro, initially to assist my own trading. Obviously a lot of thought and work has gone into MYFX, but I prefer a more visual approach to trading. For me, charts - trends, candle shapes and sizes, supportresistance levels, etc - are all visual patterns. Why should I have to manually type in price values, select order types, or calculate position sizes, when the computer can potentially automate all of this Because of its design philosophy, VO-Pro uses minimal CPU resource. There is no intensive polling after orders have been placed, because VO-Pro doesnt continuously monitor your trades in the way that MYFX does. However, you can still modify your exit points, as a trade unfolds, whenever you wish. hi, this tool would be very useful, good work really. Mas. I think it needs to be far more simple, more handy to use. People are not programmers like you It would be very effective with these basic features. Mulale, many thanks for your comments. Version 2, which should be ready by the weekend, will still contain all of the same features as Version 1, but is hopefully much easier to understand and use. I want to cater for both experienced traders and newcomers. Different people have different approaches to trading. The basic premise behind VO-Pro is: move the lines on the chart to your desired entrySLTP points, set the risk, execute the trade. I dont believe it can be made any simpler than that. That is how version 2 will operate. order (set by the price better than number of Pips) SL (set by the price better than number of Pips) trailing SL if needed (number of pips) Partial TP 1 () Partial TP 2 () final TP (set by the price better than number of Pips) When you say quotset by the pricequot, I assume that you mean move the line to where you want to enter the trade, rather than type in the actual price (e. g. 1.2785) You can type in the price using MT4 itself. Anyway, VO-Pro also allows you to type a number, if you want to. VO-Pro allows you to scale out very easily, using multiple TP levels. It doesnt as yet have a trailing SL feature, but MT4 already does that, in any case. Thanks again for your comments. Please feel welcome to try Version 2.VO-Pro: Comprehensive visual order management system for MT4 Just installed VO-PRO 2 at fxdd. Bom trabalho. Quick question, I set up to create a buy orderlimit 30 pips stop loss 60 pips take profit. When I am moving the order priceline with my mouse all lines moves together (very nice) however I noticed sometytimes the order (lines) switche between sell limit and buy limit by itself if I go upper or lower than the current market price. By that I mean, stop loss line (red line) and take profit line switche by themselves changing the order short or long depending if I am south or north of the current market. Iulli, many thanks for the feedback. If the SL is below the entry, then it must be a buy order: -- if the entry level is above the ASK price, then it must be a buy stop -- if the entry level is below the BID price, then it must be a buy limit. If the SL is above the entry, then it must be a sell order: -- if the entry level is above the ASK price, then it must be a sell limit -- if the entry level is below the BID price, then it must be a sell stop. VO-Pro detects the location of the lines as you move them around, and (assuming its working correctly) changes the order type on the fly. Thats an important feature IMO --- to make the order type automatic and transparent. You just move the lines where you want em and then pull the trigger, and let VO-Pro take care of all of the details for you. Heres the acid test: place the order (in a demo account, of course. ) by clicking the EXECUTE button, and see if MT4 creates an order of the same type shown by VO-Pro. If you get quotError 130 - Invalid stopsquot, then theres a problem. However, if you have the entry point too close to the market price, then some br0kers will not allow you to proceed (whether using VO-Pro or manually entering the order in MT4). Theres not much that anybody can do about that. Same could apply if you have the SL or TP too close to the entry. If youre fairly certain that theres a bug, please feel welcome to report back. Again, many thanks for your comments. I havent forgotten your request here. I will get back to it when I have some spare time. At the moment, Im in the process of finishing off 2 EAs for clients (paid work must take priority, Im afraid), and adding more videos to the list in post 1 above. All the best, David hi David, thanks for the video about partial TP ( and the update) It works but. 1tricky but not very handy: it would be better to place the order directly instead of placing a first order and then modified it. 2 when you modify the orders you have to refer to the ticket number to know which TP line you are moving on the graphic. Not handy as well 3 when I try to modify order it makes me an off quote error. It may come from my broker (demo account). But in this case I have to place again all the TPs. It would be better to find the TP as. Thanks for your reply, and your suggestions. Everybody has a different way of trading, and if I was to try to include the simplest way of attempting every possible type of trade, then the product would never get finished, and it would end up top-heavy and more complex. In reply to your points: 1tricky but not very handy: it would be better to place the order directly instead of placing a first order and then modified it. You could instead enter 4 separate Create New Orders, which would remove the need to use the Modify Orders function. But that would involve a 4 step process, instead of a 2 step process. I realize that youre asking for a 1 step process. Im thinking about what to include in version 3. I might decide to incorporate EA-monitored exits like MYFX does, i. e. taking profit off at various levels from a single trade, and also trailing stoplosses. This would also allow the stealth options that you asked for previously. 2 when you modify the orders you have to refer to the ticket number to know which TP line you are moving on the graphic. Not handy as well The orders are created in the same sequence as you entered the ratios: 50,20,20,10 in your example. Hence. working from left to right, the first order that appears in the Modify Orders will always be the 50 one, and so on. Sorry, I didnt explain that very well in then video. Using the order numbers to match the line with that shown in the trading terminal was merely to illustrate how the order number is displayed above the line. 3 when I try to modify order it makes me an off quote error. It may come from my broker (demo account). But in this case I have to place again all the TPs. It would be better to find the TP as they were placed just before this message. Yes, I have experienced that error myself. It means that the br0ker is currently not receiving quotes for that currency pair. Its more likely to happen when liquidity is thin, especially if youre trading a more exotic pair. I will definitely consider what you said about retaining the previous TP levels. I agree, thats a good idea. One idea. is that possible to draw the lines as a trend it would be great for people waiting for a rebound on a trend line (and with the TPSL automatically parallels to this line or not). I dont know how many people would use such a facility. People normally draw their own trendlines, and if the trendline was to disappear when the trade was executed (or canceled) - as VO-Pros entrySLTP lines do - then I dont think they would be very happy. VO-Pros lines are there merely to provide a visual guide as to where the entrySLTP will be placed. Of course you can align them with previously drawn trendlines if you want to. I wrote an indicator here that will trigger an alert if price gets within X pips of a trendline - it might be helpful to you. Many thanks for the feedback. In reply to your points: quot Will test on my VPS running Win 2008 R2. Not sure how it will operate when working with multiple MT4s running. Will be watching the CPUmemory over head it uses. My environment has 12 MT4s running (installed in unique directories) but all running under one broker acct quot VO-Pro uses minimal CPU. Even while the Orders List window is refreshing itself, CPU usage is lt 5. And of course the scripts are only on the MT4 charts while youre contemplating how youre going to createmodifyclosedelete your order. Youll need to install VO-Pro once per MT4 directory. If youre placingmodifying orders in all 12 accounts simultaneously, youd need 12 instances of VO-Pro running. You can tell which version youre currently operating by the directory showing in the center of the title banner at the top of the VO-Pro window (click on either the SETTINGS or ORDERS button to obtain a full width window). quot 1. Option to take chart workspace snap shot on openclose of trade automatically with ability to format own naming convention for the image file based on ticket number and datetime. quot Im currently not 100 sure where Im going with version 3. Version 2 is not an EA and therefore doesnt monitor your trades continuously. Hence if a pending order was to suddenly trigger, thats merely a normal MT4 operation no VO-Pro script is running at the time. However, if I make version 3 an EA that monitors everything continuously, then virtually anything will be possible. quot 2. moving stoploss based on target pips reached - from entry point or a price level. Not a trailing stop concept, but more a protection of profitreduce risk after a certain number of pips have been reached. Multiple levels or target defined. quot Again, concepts like a moving SL will be possible if I make version 3 an EA. There are a zillion different types of exittrade management I would try to include as many as I think most traders might find useful too many and some less computer literate folk will inevitably complain that quotits too confusingquot. quot 3. Account balance --- I keep some funds in a commercial bank as protection, could we have a ability to enter quotBNNNN. NNquot where NNNNN. NN is external funds quot Ive included this in version 2.02, which Ill be releasing shortly. quot Hey I set hot keys for each script and and I do not need to drag and drop, just press CTL1 or whatever and bam. script runs. quot Yes, I likewise prefer using the hotkeys (keyboard is generally much quicker to use than the mouse), although I expect that most folk will prefer dragging the scripts on to the chart. Both options are available. Thanks again, David I experienced many problems with the execution of my orders using VO pro ( under alpari NZ RU broker). One time it doesnquottake my orders, another time my stop loss is not executed. I have tried to attach a copy of my screen but I cannot on the website. I downloaded Alpari MT4 (quotInformational Trading Terminal Metatrader 4quot) from this webpage. I assume its the same one (Alpari NZ) that youre using There were 3 options to create demo accounts. I tried all 3 of them: Alpari-ECN-Demo . it seems that the minimum position size is 3 full lots, and they also charge a hefty commission per trade. I managed to place both limit and market orders on EURUSD without any problems (and scalped a quick 43 profit from the market order, LOL). VO-Pros modify, delete and close functions also appeared to work correctly. Alpari-NDD-Demo . this account seemed to allow micro-lots (0.01 lot) but still charged commission. Again, I succeeded in placing both limit and market orders on EURUSD without any problems. Alpari-Demo . this account allowed only mini-lot trading (0.1 lot) but no commissions were charged. Again, I succeeded in placing both limit and market orders on EURUSD without any problems. Firstly, I assume that you have all of the necessary MT4 checkboxes checked ON (Allow live trading etc) as demonstrated in video 1 That being so, then when you click EXECUTE, MT4 should either place the order (as instructed by VO-Pro), or return an error message to VO-Pro, which should display in a window (usually with Suggested Action and MT4 technical description narratives). Let me know what error messages you have been getting, and Ill attempt to investigate further. During peak activity periods, there may be delays in order placement. This would apply regardless of whether you were using VO-Pro or MT4s New Order facility to place an order. Depending on the br0ker, and the level of activity, some patience may be required. If, on the other hand, the orders are getting placed in the terminal area, but are not being executed (e. g. you mentioned a SL) then this is outside of VO-Pros control. If Alpari are not honoring pending order entry points, stoplosses, etc after the orders have been placed, then I would be quickly looking for a more reliable br0ker. I will continue to test drive VO-Pro on Alpari NZ, and post any errors that I get, here in this thread. I was refering to the order already placed on the terminal. Not the execution from VO pro. Of course it may come from the terminal itself, but what is strange is that I did not experienced this kind of problem before without using vo pro (with both real and demo account) by placing orders directly on MT4. I made the test with a NDD demo account. If it is not technically due to vo pro, forget my message. but I am sure it will not the same as you made vo pro stealth order management since the orders will be placed outside. Mulale, many thanks for your reply. This is exactly what beta testing is all about . having potential users of a product confirm whether or not a product runs correctly under different conditions (and in this case, different br0kers). I will continue to run tests on Alpari NZ NDD accounts, and post my findings in this thread. You can use any number of methods to enter orders into MT4. It could be the VO Create New Order script it could be any other EA or script or it could be MT4s New Order function. All have one thing in common: after the order appears in the terminal area, it is over to MT4 (and the br0ker) to execute any orders, i. e. opening a pending order when the bid price (for a sell order) or ask price (for a buy order) reaches the specified level, or closing an open order when the bid price (for a buy order) or ask price (for a sell order) reaches either the TP or SL. You can shut down MT4, and even power off your computer, and these levels should hold good, assuming that your br0ker is honest. NDD is supposed to mean no dealing desk i. e. the orders are placed automatically, and without any human interference. (The differences between concepts NDD, ECN, STP etc are well explained here - about half way down the page). Assuming that the br0ker is not a market maker, there should (in theory) be no need to use stealth orders. I guess you already know this, but EAs work differently to scripts. EAs can continuously monitor trades (but only while MT4 is running, and the EA is enabled), and cause entries and exits to be made, however they are programmed. Whereas a script runs just once, and immediately it has finished running it has no further influence over MT4. VO-Pro (version 2) is comprised entirely of scripts whose role ends as soon as you click either the EXECUTE or CANCEL button. They are simply a visual approach to MT4s facilities to create, modify, close andor delete orders in the terminal. Hence to answer your question, assuming that I do eventually create a version 3 that is capable of performing some of the functions that MYFX does (e. g. implementing stealth trailing SLs and partial TP levels) then I would need to rewrite the scripts as EAs, and there would be a lot of work involved to add these functions. I was reluctant to do this initially, because there are so many Trade Management EAs that already exist (here and here are two free ones, for example - Steve Hopwood is a very talented programmer and his multi-purpose EA can perform a wide number of different exit types, and includes stealth facilities). There are also EAs that will perform special kinds of exits, e. g. exit when a combination of indicators meet certain conditions. I wanted VO-Pro to be an original product, that didnt simply perform the same tasks that can already be done by many existing EAs. Again, many thanks for all of the testing you have been doing. It is extremely helpful, and is much appreciated. Many thanks for your kind words. Glad you like VO-Pro. The following refers the screenshot below: If you want to place a market order, click the checkbox alongside Entry OFF before you drag the Create New Order script onto your chart. (Note: For more info, please watch video 4 in the first post.) If you dont want a TP or SL, click their respective checkboxes OFF. (Of course, if you dont have a SL, you must enter the Trade Risk as a number of lots). These settings remain good until you change them, or click the RESET button. There are also two other ways of doing this: 1. You can click on the little button (quotwizardquot), and choose the No SL, No TP, or Enter at Market options. but the wizards are merely training facilities that uncheck the same boxes, anyway. 2. Or you can delete the lines from the chart, like you said. Thanks again, David
